Monday, January 28, 2008

Technology in the bedroom. . .

Haha, made you look!

I'm not talking sex toys, I'm talking lap-tops. Well, I guess (depending on what you google) that a lap-top could be a sex toy. But for now, get your mind out of the gutter!

I actually took my computer back to bed with me and worked from home, from my bed, all day. It was GLORIOUS! Nobody calling out to me from down down the hallway, no administrators begging for my help "just this once," and no phone calls that I couldn't screen with caller ID. What a day, what a day!

I didn't really get out of bed till almost 6:00, when I drove to town so my friend and I could exercise. (What can I say? We're committed - and I don't wanna be the one to bail - so I went!) Got to town, and guess what? We BAILED on our workout! Opted for home-made pizza and a salad instead. There's always tomorrow. . .

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