Friday, January 25, 2008


As a graphic designer, I approach my work more from a "try it and see" than a "sketch it and plan" perspective. This makes me a HUGE fan of the hotkey combo "Ctrl-Z" which is the equivalent of mousing up to Edit-Undo. Don't like the new color scheme? Ctrl-Z, and voila! You're back to navy and gold. Pink and yellow - really, what was I thinking?! Ctrl-Z works wonders!

The other night, I got some news that was a bit disappointing to me, so I decided to take out my frustrations on my furniture. I was re-arranging my home office (side note: it looks FANTASTIC!) and I thought I'd move my desk over just "this much" and see how it looked. Got it there, didn't like it, unplugged EVERYTHING in the process of moving it four inches, and at that moment, it dawned on me how cool it would be to have Ctrl-Z in my life!

That got me thinking. . . I'm not one for regrets, but if I only could, I'd go back and Ctrl-Z the way my last job ended. It would really help me down the road to not have that hanging over my head. Who knows? Might have even spared me the disappointment from the other day. . . but then I wouldn't have taken it out on the furniture, so I wouldn't have screwed up by moving my desk, and I never would've thought about Ctrl-Z. On the flip-side, if that ending hadn't gone to hell as it did, I wouldn't need to Ctrl-Z it.

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