Monday, January 28, 2008

Technology in the bedroom. . .

Haha, made you look!

I'm not talking sex toys, I'm talking lap-tops. Well, I guess (depending on what you google) that a lap-top could be a sex toy. But for now, get your mind out of the gutter!

I actually took my computer back to bed with me and worked from home, from my bed, all day. It was GLORIOUS! Nobody calling out to me from down down the hallway, no administrators begging for my help "just this once," and no phone calls that I couldn't screen with caller ID. What a day, what a day!

I didn't really get out of bed till almost 6:00, when I drove to town so my friend and I could exercise. (What can I say? We're committed - and I don't wanna be the one to bail - so I went!) Got to town, and guess what? We BAILED on our workout! Opted for home-made pizza and a salad instead. There's always tomorrow. . .

Saturday, January 26, 2008

DO NOT swallow your gum!

This could be you!

Friday, January 25, 2008


As a graphic designer, I approach my work more from a "try it and see" than a "sketch it and plan" perspective. This makes me a HUGE fan of the hotkey combo "Ctrl-Z" which is the equivalent of mousing up to Edit-Undo. Don't like the new color scheme? Ctrl-Z, and voila! You're back to navy and gold. Pink and yellow - really, what was I thinking?! Ctrl-Z works wonders!

The other night, I got some news that was a bit disappointing to me, so I decided to take out my frustrations on my furniture. I was re-arranging my home office (side note: it looks FANTASTIC!) and I thought I'd move my desk over just "this much" and see how it looked. Got it there, didn't like it, unplugged EVERYTHING in the process of moving it four inches, and at that moment, it dawned on me how cool it would be to have Ctrl-Z in my life!

That got me thinking. . . I'm not one for regrets, but if I only could, I'd go back and Ctrl-Z the way my last job ended. It would really help me down the road to not have that hanging over my head. Who knows? Might have even spared me the disappointment from the other day. . . but then I wouldn't have taken it out on the furniture, so I wouldn't have screwed up by moving my desk, and I never would've thought about Ctrl-Z. On the flip-side, if that ending hadn't gone to hell as it did, I wouldn't need to Ctrl-Z it.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am in computer HELL. . .

and I don't know how to get out! OK, so it's not that bad, but it's not good either.

I happen to know a few things about computers, but that doesn't mean I like using them. And that's a problem. See, when you know about computers, people who don't know as much about them tend to ask you lots of questions and want you to DO THINGS to their computers. . . they forget that just because you know the stuff doesn't mean you like the stuff!

Now, that having been said, I must make a confession. . . when my little box of magic tricks went on the fritz, I brought it to my super-geeky and all-to-willing-to-help sister SF, and I'm sitting here bitching to you while she fixes it. But, all of a sudden, I have this nervous feeling that maybe she's just like me. . . she knows computers, but she doesn't actually enjoy working on them. Oh, what have I done?!

SissieFace, thank you for your help today. (By the time I actually get around to finishing and posting this, it will be tomorrow, so thank you for your help yesterday). You rock and roll and know so much. I hope I wasn't too much of a pain in your PC-spot with all my needs. Hey, at least you got to play Warcrack while it was all loading, right?!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Christmas Road Trip

DZ and I took our annual Christmas trip alone this year as our usual camping companions couldn't get away for two weeks, which was our intended time away. We went on a "road trip" along the Gulf Coast (from Texas to Florida). It was glorious! A few highlights include. . .

* Sam Houston Jones State Park in Louisiana: Went to bed and it was in the mid 70s. Woke up the next morning and it was 32 degrees!
* Avery Island, home of the Tabasco Factory: Learned all about Le Petit Baton Rouge and its true intended purpose
* Oak Alley Plantation: We went to see the beautiful trees, but we fell in love with the mint juleps!
* St. George Island: Nothing says "Merry Christmas" quite like waking up in a tent on the beach with your beloved. We spent the day riding our bikes on the beach, exploring the nearby towns and enjoying each other's company.
* Apalachicola: Five dozen raw oysters in a day, and we went back for more!
* Gulf Shores, Alabama: Fort Morgan was magestic, Mobile Bay was a sight to behold. If we hadn't made this stop-over, we wouldn't have seen Magnolia Springs or Fairhope (our new favorite town)
* Natchez, Mississippi: Fat Mama's "Knock-You-Naked" Margaritas. . . enough said
* Baton Rouge, LA: We met Mike the Tiger at LSU and enjoyed a great meal at Walk-Ons
* Breaux Bridge, LA: Sunday lunch at Mulate's, with the Cajun Country Band playing for us and Dallas Roy sitting beside us.

The trip would have lasted longer, but DZ was ready to get home after 9 days on the road. It all worked out nicely, though. . . and we have tons of memories to last us till the next big adventure!

Is this thing on?

Well, it's been a while, and I'm glad to be back in the land of all things blog. I'm not sure how much or how often I'll be here, but this is a good start!