Sunday, September 14, 2008

Where am I?

I am at home. I am alone. I am bored.

I should be studying, or walking, or putting away laundry, but I'm not. Instead I'm on the computer. What's up with that? I think a lot of people wonder how bloggers every find the time to do what they do. I am one of those people as well, actually! I have SOOOO much stuff in my life that is fun, funny, good and worthy of a blog post, but I just never seem to have time to sit down and put it all on the screen. I guess I've been too busy livin' to keep people up-to-date about my life! I think that's a good problem to have, though. . . don't you?

My sister Joy has started a blog as well. If anybody in this world doesn't have time to blog, it would be Joy. She has three kids - twin 3-year-olds and a 1-year-old. They are all very special, and two of them also have special needs that require extra time and care. She also has a husband who travels, just started her own business and deals with her own medical issues the likes of which "Gray's Anatomy" has never seen. How does she do it? Read her blog and you'll see that it's her faith in God and her commitment to love that gets her through. She's an inspiration, for sure, and (without even trying to be) she's a witness to God's great love.

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